Success Stories | DeAnna Shires | Yoga Classes & Mindset Coaching

Success Stories

You know how sometimes, you just get stuck? I’m sure you’ve been there—for whatever reason, you’ve dug this monstrosity of a hole, and as hard as you try, you can’t seem how to find your way out? I’m that person. I’m the one who, FOR YEARS, couldn’t (likely wouldn’t) get out of that pit. You see, my head was getting in the way of what my heart wanted. DeAnna taught me how to recognize that, and to follow what my heart wants. So from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to write this to express my sincere gratitude. DeAnna, thank you!


I met DeAnna while taking her yoga classes at a local studio. Her ability to weave in yoga history and neuroscience, while teaching a yoga asana class, is admirable. By encouraging her students to inquire and ask questions to obtain a deeper understanding, her teaching helped grow my personal love and knowledge of yoga which opened the door for me to pursue my yoga teacher certification. Having taken yoga teacher training classes both with DeAnna and with others, I can say her teaching is top-notch. Her dedication, knowledge, and overall passion for the material is evident in her sharing. My Vedic astrology session with DeAnna was also enlightening. Not only did she give me a detailed report, she spent time breaking down the findings in a way I was able to understand. Her gifts of knowledge and genuine care for others are clear when you spend any time around her.


I have worked with DeAnna as a yoga student, a yoga teacher training student, a workshop attendee, and I received my Reiki level I attunement from her. I continue to work with her because she is excellent at gently kicking me in the ass. I have always felt loved and supported while she pointed out where I was stuck and how to get past it. She is very knowledgeable, but understands the truth is grey and is open to learning while she teaches. I highly recommend all of the services she offers, and look forward to working with her again!


When working with DeAnna, I felt very seen. She saw my strengths and helped me amplify them in both our 300 hour training and our Vedic Astrology session. DeAnna is a deep well of knowledge and experience in therapeutic yoga. Her biggest gift is meeting students where ever they are and giving them just the right dose to help them keep growing physically and mentally.


DeAnna taught me yoga but more than that she taught me life skills. It’s yoga but the passion she put forth for progress was unlike any physical therapy I encountered and I’d done that for 6 years. I was hesitant thinking I needed to be mobile through physical therapy and yoga had nothing to offer. I went thinking it was useless and learned its dedication to redefining perceptions. I went into each session with a firmer knowledge of what yoga entails being that of discipline. I trained my body to perform certain techniques that really my body never had done since acquiring my traumatic brain injury disability. Her instruction tested my foundation of what was known to be capable. Yoga taught me dedication and perseverance, strengthening my core, and even walking learning confidence to let her(not being a physical therapist) to put faith in myself and my instructor. Yoga taught me life skills and with that I gained insight into what it means to be disabled and what can be accomplished and I am eternally grateful.


I met DeAnna through the yoga classes I was attending. I was looking for anything and everything to balance me out and a friend (who was also an instructor) suggested I give it a shot. While it was intimidating at first, DeAnna’s classes offered the degree of comfort that I needed to really concentrate on healing and breath rather than worrying about how I would look, or any other stigma attached to practicing yoga. While yoga definitely gave me a jump start on the path I wanted to be on, I felt I needed more. So, after I had learned that DeAnna coached as well, I got in contact with her. It’s one of the best decisions I have ever made. The aforementioned comfort she provided, again, outweighed the stigma of asking for help. I’m also the type of person that needs a fire lit under them to better themselves. She offered exactly what I needed. Comfort while not handling me with kid gloves. All of this requires work, but she inspires you to want to put that work in. You always hear it’s important to have a balance in life to help make you a better person. DeAnna’s approach to yoga and coaching is the very definition of that. I can’t even begin to thank her for giving me the tools to gain the confidence, happiness, and perspective I needed to navigate through this life. I cannot recommend her enough.


When I started working with DeAnna as a life coach, I was ready to make some major changes in a few different areas of my life. She helped me figure out the steps to take to make the changes happen. Having someone to be accountable to made all the difference for me; or weekly coaching sessions were invaluable. Being a natural introvert, talking to new people and doing things on my own always brought on anxiety. DeAnna showed me breathing techniques to help me get out and mingle with the world. Everything I got out of our coaching sessions has led me to: leaving a boring career and starting my own business that I love; getting off the couch and starting a fitter and healthier lifestyle; and having the confidence to try new things and meet new people on my own. Thanks DeAnna!


Coaching with DeAnna has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life. DeAnna is a non-judgmental listener who immediately was someone I knew I could trust with my deepest feelings and life experiences. She is authentic and fun as you work together to dig into the nature of what is blocking forward motion in your life. Also, DeAnna equipped me with the tools I needed to move ahead with my life goals and challenges. Her steadfast guidance has given me the freedom to live my best life! I continue to use the tools and wisdom DeAnna has given me and will for years to come. In addition, I also deeply appreciate DeAnna as my Yoga teacher. She is always well prepared with well thought out sequences and poses that nurture mind, body and soul. Classes are a perfect balance of challenge and mindful safety as she always offers many versions of a pose for all levels of experience. Her knowledge of yoga is nothing short of amazing and she weaves this masterfully into each class! I highly recommend DeAnna!


I am very grateful to have met DeAnna Shires through my second 200HR Yoga Teacher Training in 2015. She offered a unique and distinct style of teaching, I love how she was able to weave yoga philosophy within each yoga class starting off with a beautiful quote, sharing her own experience, and ties it all together with a bow in the end. I admire her as a teacher and she inspires me to this day. But her knowledge and inspiration didn’t end there. Through the course of my teacher training, she taught me how to be more connected with my body, how to sit with my emotions and to allow myself to feel, all the way to learning all the chakras and understanding the workings of my own mind. If yoga is the study of the Self and all its layers, she has definitely taught me how to navigate through my own self. DeAnna has helped me through a lot of my struggles by recognizing its roots, and with that, she has offered me life tools to last me this whole lifetime. I recommend studying with DeAnna to anyone who is interested in understanding the Self/self, anyone who is ready to dig deep in understanding why and how the mind works the way it does. She is definitely one of my guiding lights in this life, someone I will always be grateful for, for giving me tools to live my life gracefully through its ups and downs.


Going through DeAnna’s coaching program set me on a path towards accomplishing several major goals. She helped me see my dreams in manageable baby steps with key milestones. By combining her coaching package with her reiki and yoga, she helped me see by dreams not only from a 360 degree view point, but from the inside out. It was a true mind body spirit experience that set me on the path towards developing my online course, leaving my day job to purchasing a business, and begin writing a book..and that is just the beginning. If you’re ready for active, transformational change I highly recommend DeAnna.


I’ve taken many of DeAnna’s yoga classes and also some yoga teacher training from her. The breadth and depth of her yoga knowledge is impressive! Her classes take the students “beyond the pose” to broaden their understanding as well. She teaches to all levels, so novices and veteran practitioners alike will be challenged. Plus, she’s very approachable and down to earth. One of my favorite yoga teachers ever!
