I felt it on my heart to thank you. You helped open my eyes to peace. Even though I was a patient, you treated me like a friend and I am so grateful. You gave me a real gift and made a difference in my life, by simply doing what you love to do and sharing it with others and with me. Thank you for your open heart and kindness.

—Ashley Beck

I‘ve been a client of DeAnna for years and have been consistently impressed with her mix of creativity, compassion, and intelligence. As a yoga instructor, she was a key figure in my efforts to halt the progression of diabetes in my body. As I’ve learned to teach others what I’ve been taught, her voice and teachings often play in my head. DeAnna is among those I trust most, both as a client and a student. She’s also been there for me me in a coaching capacity, where her straightforward mix of honesty and compassion helped illuminate blind spots and move forward on my transition path from fear-based to passion-based thinking and living. She has my utmost trust, respect, and confidence. 


They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I met DeAnna during my teacher training and she immediately became a source of inspiration for me. DeAnna made me feel very comfortable during the session. Her intuition is amazing, allowing her to work on the right thing for that specific moment. The best thing about her is that she goes above and beyond duty, and gave me techniques to use every day to support my needs. It is amazing how when the energy flows correctly, the life that is for you starts to unfold, and I wanted to understand more! The information she provides is an invaluable to navigate this beautiful journey. A must for everyone in the path of self-discovery and self-realization! My deepest gratitude to you, DeAnna, for your treatments!


I met you at your yoga studio at the absolute lowest point of my life. You taught me to accept good and bad, to accept balance. You have the knowledge and skills, AND you pass it on to others. You are good enough, strong enough, and gosh darn it, people like you.


DeAnna has the ability to be both a mentor and teacher while making sure the human element is never absent from her lessons. There is never a quest for perfection, an esoteric intangibility, or aloof new-age ambiguity.  You are present in her presence during her lessons whether they be Asana, Ayurveda, or Breathe Into Awareness classes. All the while, you are becoming more than you ever were before, with a grip on reality not really available in most spiritual programs. I can honestly say that I don’t even know the “old me” and the tools she has helped me to learn keep me growing at an exponential rate. Namaste!


DeAnna, I’ve never met you, which makes writing a review of all that you teach somewhat awkward. You have an empathetic spirit and your posts always uplift and inspire others. Thanks for doing that! You’re an amazing example to so many, including myself. You’re an amazing inspiration. How else would someone who has never met you want to support your tribe? Please never change who you are—you inspire me and I love how you stay true to yourself. You have no idea how many people are rooting for you! Thank you for sharing a part of you and for being so real. Thank you for connecting, reaching out and inspiring. Thank you for letting me know that I am not the only one who made mistakes and failed more times than succeeded. You have inspired me to think bigger.


Oh, DeAnna. What would I do without DeAnna. No, seriously. I met DeAnna as a beginner yoga student entering teacher training. I was struggling with my identity, broke, overweight, and just lost in life. I didn’t feel like a ‘normal’ 24 yr old. DeAnna was there to help every step of the way and made me feel safe at a time when I was especially vulnerable. Everything is now lining up and I’m happy to say that DeAnna played a pivotal role in my development. She was the hand that helped guide me through the storm before this all manifested. Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for all of your help!

—Cassandra Irizarry

Courses: The Five Causes of Happiness/Kleshas

I took DeAnna’s “Five Causes of Happiness” workshop and for six weeks, I had the pleasure of learning from her. She took big yoga concepts and broke them down in ways I could understand and relate to everyday life, and in ways that have stayed with me even after the workshop was completed.  DeAnna is not only a great source of knowledge and inspiration, but also has a wonderful personality. She constantly made me laugh and her warm and inviting nature made somebody as shy as me feel comfortable sharing things about myself with strangers. She offers the resources and encouragement to grow as a person—but also reminds us that it is ultimately us who must constantly do the work of improving ourselves and creating our own happiness. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to work with her!

—Christina L.

I attended two of DeAnna’s courses, and will attend another if I have the chance. Both courses were instrumental in helping me deal with difficult situations I was experiencing at that time in my life. The lessons I learned in these courses have shaped the way that I move through my day by providing me with tools that I continue to use on a daily basis. DeAnna is a very skilled and well-trained teacher who was able to communicate and customize the lessons in a way that resonated with all members of our group no matter the differences in personal background or experiences. I would recommend any course DeAnna is teaching!

—Allison F.

Life Coaching

DeAnna can light a fire under your feet and help coach you on your personal journey through life. I spent three months with DeAnna exploring various aspects of my balance wheel. She is encouraging, caring, authentic, and knowledgeable. She assisted me in recognizing the issues that were keeping me back by holding me accountable. She guided me in finding my life’s passion by asking the right questions. As an introvert, she gave me the tools I needed to help deal with the anxiety I had when networking and talking in front of people.
Finally, DeAnna helped me uncover the confidence to succeed that I had buried inside my mind so many years ago. This confidence has already led me to lose twenty pounds, start making a career change, explore opening my own business, and have a deeper relationship with my wife. My life coaching experience with DeAnna has left me open and ready to face any challenge or opportunity life throws my way. 


I first met DeAnna as a yoga instructor and immediately noticed she was very gentle, kind and supportive. Many years later, going through a difficult time, her name immediately popped into my head. I needed help with some emotional muck and she was the light in a dark time that I needed. She introduced me to reiki, which helped me feel better immediately, but then we began to discuss long term solutions. She educated me on neuroscience and offered the program to me if I was interested and was willing to do the rigorous work it would take to change old wiring. Through the entire process, DeAnna has been consistently kind, gentle, supportive and most importantly nonjudgmental. DeAnna’s demeanor put me at ease from day one and she has always been responsive to my incessant questions. She is someone who is easy to trust and holds confidentiality in the highest regard when coaching. She is a great cheerleader and someone who is an asset as a coach—genuine, sincere and wants people to succeed. She is easily someone people can relate to and always has a smile for you when you cannot muster your own. Every experience with DeAnna has been very nurturing and supportive; while the neuroscience is not easy, she makes it a positive experience and I have enjoyed working with her immensely.


I worked with DeAnna for about 4 months during the fall of 2014 during her training for Life Coaching. We spoke on the phone every Monday during this time and communicated via email as I updated her on how things were going. DeAnna spoke to me with compassion every week as we sorted through various issues of my life. One week it might be finances, and the next it might be communicating with my husband. She was able to help me figure out for myself some solutions and actions to take by asking me a lot of questions and challenging me to complete tasks, such as writing out a budget or a food plan for the week. Her approach is very loving and practical. I left every conversation feeling inspired, challenged, relieved, hopeful, and confident that I could reach the goals that were important to me. I was not able to work with DeAnna for as long as I would have liked to because I have a baby coming soon and this is taking up most of my energy. I know that I can always call DeAnna if I ever need coaching in the future and that I will be met with the same consideration and professionalism that she has shown me in the past. I would recommend Life Coaching and DeAnna to anyone that wants to start reaching their personal and professional goals. 


I’ve had a few different coaches over the years, both personal and professional, and my experience with DeAnna has been outstanding. I’m very coachable, but I’m not a follower or devotee. I need a coach that will give me the perspective from outside of my own—the one that I cannot see—and then challenge me on my thinking and viewpoints. This is exactly what DeAnna has done for me. She has also helped to keep me accountable to my own goals and direction, with appropriately sparse suggestions or recommendations when there were things I wasn’t aware of. The best coaches, though, act mostly as a reflecting pond, showing back to you what you already knew somewhere inside, but perhaps hadn’t quite assembled in an accessible way, or seen how to translate the idea into action. And that’s where DeAnna has been really helpful in my personal and professional life. 


Yoga & Teacher Training

DeAnna cares, knows how to teach, and knows her stuff.  I say “cares” first because her caring nature and devotion to her students (us!) truly sets her apart.  Someone of her caliber has had many students and will have many more. But you will never feel like a cog in the machine. DeAnna really knows how to teach. She explores many, many modalities. She will have you listening, moving, coloring, journaling, researching, thinking, loving, learning, and feeling. And she knows her stuff.  She has “been there, done that,” with the postures and explores how to get all bodies their best benefit from the art and practice of yoga and Reiki. She will teach you how to protect yourself and your students and work toward the postures that your body is ready for.


DeAnna’s yoga teaching style connects with me in an honest and raw way. She made me understand that yoga is life from the first class I took. I love her use of the lotus metaphor and visualization, which has inspired me to deepen my own practice.


DeAnna has been an incredibly patient and supportive teacher. She has supported me in spite of multiple challenges and has been willing to work with me to allow me to finish my teacher training no matter how long it takes. She has a warm, compassionate, authentic teaching style and is able to balance the ethereal with the practical in a way that makes the material accessible. I would highly recommend her services.


The wealth of information I gained from taking the Breathe Into Awareness teacher training over exceeded my expectations. Now two years later I’m living in Singapore teaching yoga and I continue to revert back to the material I was given and use it as a resource for putting yoga classes together, but what I value most from taking the teacher training is getting to the know the teachers themselves. What I remember about DeAnna was that I immediately felt as if I could trust her and that has proven to be true. She did not play favorites, she treated everyone equality and without her permission her heart opens towards all whom she meets and this shines through all she does.


DeAnna was an amazing instructor and leader of the beginner series that was my first introduction to yoga. I signed up for the series thinking it would be a good additional exercise to complement running, but DeAnna’s approach was so much more! She provided important perspectives about respecting my body (its abilities and limitations) and about seeking balance in my life. I’m so grateful for her introduction to yoga!


DeAnna became part of my life when I signed up for advanced practitioner training and she continued to be an inspiration through my 200 hour teacher training classes.  Her energy based teachings around the mind, body and spirit were very impactful.  Her level of knowledge is impressive and I highly recommend DeAnna to anyone interested in learning about all aspects of yoga.


The first time I was introduced to Yoga was after I had injured my back at work. A co-worker and I called up, and DeAnna answered. We asked a few questions about Yoga, and was surprised to find out that Yoga was not about flexibility but building your core with flexibility being a nice side benefit. DeAnna had built a wonderful group of teachers, who for a first timer was helpful. I have heard of other people’s experiences whose first few Yoga classes went so wrong they gave up on Yoga all together, this was not the case as someone new to Yoga. During a typical class, DeAnna often asks her students, what they need help on or would like to work on. She has the confidence and knowledge to quickly adapt her pre-planned Yoga class to fit the students’ needs while keeping with the original theme. I have found over the course of the last few years that other teachers are more rigid and teach in a very consistent unwavering matter. DeAnna has a knack for the ability to “read” the class. She can tell when the students are ready to move on to something a bit more challenging, rather this is in a Asana, or breathing exercise or even Mantra. If you ever attend a class of her’s you will soon learn her motto is “No Pain, No Pain.” She reflects this in how she teaches and offers alternatives to poses that your body may not be able to do rather this is due to injuries or your body just is not able to get into that position.  After all this is a relationship with not only your body, your spirit, and the other people in the class room but with your teacher. 


Vedic Astrology

To anyone that wants to take control of multiple aspects of their choices versus consequences in those decisions, HERE is a great way to get a foothold on that POWER! For many years I have tried to live in the shadow of whom I thought I was supposed to be based on feedback from friends and family. I never felt like the equation was balanced and ALWAYS felt like this was someone else’s scripting. I did not feel “understood” and was even told that I was probably misunderstood. Through DeAnna’s wonderful insights based on her vast knowledge and tools of the Vedic Astrology chart, she revealed to me why I never felt settled with “who I was supposed to be. Now I know why I feel bold when I should feel reclusive. It is a fantastic beginning to a journey that I can look forward to completing with her guidance to avoid pitfalls due to ignorance. THANK YOU SO MUCH DEANNA!!! 


My session with DeAnna was enlightening and empowering. I left with a greater sense of peace and understanding of myself and even those around me.


DeAnna’s yoga teaching style connects with me in an honest and raw way. She made me understand that yoga is life from the first class I took. I love her use of the lotus metaphor and visualization, which has inspired me to deepen my own practice.



I went into my reiki session with an open heart and open mind not sure what I would leave with.  DeAnna is all heart, deeply intuitive and knows her stuff, so I was confident that if nothing else, I would have a pleasant hour with an enlightened person. I came out of the session with a paradigm shift that has since radically empowered my day to day life.  What a wonderful blessing! I’m looking forward to another session. 


DeAnna is my teacher, my friend, my Reiki Master, and my guide through this crazy world. I received my Reiki Levels I and II from DeAnna in 2013/2014. As a fellow empath and highly sensitive person she has guided me and helped me learn how to protect myself while still being able to be open and giving to family, friends, co-workers, students and Reiki clients. Thanks to DeAnna’s encouragement I have started writing about my experiences as a bipolar yogi, it is very rewarding and therapeutic. With DeAnna’s training and support I hope to help others who live with mental illness like myself. I’m so blessed to be learning from her again. She is an amazing teacher and person.


I experienced my first reiki with DeAnna. I didn’t have any expectation when I went in because I wanted to experience it fully.  She made me feel so comfortable during the session. ShIe explained what she would do and what the tools meant. I felt I was in very good hands. Previously I was told by two separate Chiropractors that my energy, Chi, is low. After about 10 minutes, DeAnna sensed the same low energy in my body. She then went to work and did the energy movement on me. It was an incredible experience. At certain area, I could feel the heat travel into my body. I felt amazing after the session. She did the Pendulum test on my Chakras afterwards and the difference in the energy movement in my body were tremendous compared to when she started.  She guided me to an answer and solution to an issue that I knew I have but nobody else could give me. My gratitude to DeAnna.
